The results

In the first quarter of 2023, the new letter and envelope direct mail package was tested in market, and it generated an astounding 22% lift in response over the previously unbeatable champion. In Q2, it was tested again and delivered a 21% lift in response. The insurance payor was impressed with the results and plans to complete another mailing of the new creative in Q4.

lift in response versus control in Q1
lift in response during Q2

“ It would have taken us 11 years to test everything we can test in a single AMI study.”

— Director, Marketing Operations

Middle-aged man looking through direct mail

The challenge

A national health insurance payor noticed a steady decline in the response rates of a previously top-performing direct mail offer. They tried other options, but those underperformed as well. They knew they had to boost their response rates, and were interested in how Quad could help.

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Accelerated Marketing Insights

Accelerated Marketing Insights (AMI), a Quad-owned, pre-market, testing system, evaluates design, messaging and special/promotional offers to connect more effectively with consumers. As a result, new challenger creative resulting from the research has delivered an average of 7%-10% lift in response and has beaten controls 85% of the time, improving ROI. So, rather than have the client conduct direct mail tests over multiple campaigns and years, and wait for results to trickle in, Quad’s AMI achieves results in a fraction of the time, at a fraction of the cost.

The solution

For this national insurance payor, Quad used AMI to test a wide array of messages, formats and layouts, with a focus on testing:

Findings were shared, and the teams collaborated to figure out how best to deploy and test the results in market.

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