The cruise industry 2022-2023: What’s on the horizon

The cruise industry is projecting a full recovery in 2023 with positive trends and opportunities on the horizon.

May 13th, 2022

the cruise industry 2022-2023 ebookWhat’s next for the cruise industry?

The CLIA calls 2022 a ‘pivotal transition year, with full recovery projected in 2023.’ With the CDC dropping its recommendation against cruise travel, the recovery is heating up.

As cruise tourism bounces back from its pandemic-caused slump, what is the industry focusing on to keep cruising forward? And how can marketers make the most of these positive industry trends?

Gain valuable insight into these developments in Quad’s new eBook, “The Cruise Industry 2022-2023: What’s on the Horizon.”

To get the e-book, please submit your information below.

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