Quad partnered with Morning Consult to conduct a poll of U.S. marketers in May and June to gauge their thoughts about the generative AI. Here’s what we learned:

Generative (Gen) AI is very actively being discussed in the marketing industry

Nearly three-quarters (72%) of marketers talk about Gen AI with their teams, clients, vendors and/or partners at least once a week.

How often are generative AI tools coming up in your daily conversations in your marketing team and with clients, vendors and partners?

  • Multiple times a day: 14%
    • Once a day: 12%
    • Multiple times a week: 30%
    • Once a week: 16%
    • About once a month: 14%
    • Multiple times a year: 3%
    • Once a year or less frequently: 4%
    • Never: 8%

About 1 in 5 marketers and their teams are regularly using Gen AI in their workflows

While generative AI is a hot topic of discussion, just 19% of marketers and their teams are regularly using generative AI in their workflows. However, a combined 63% of surveyed marketers (32%) and their teams (31%) are “experimenting” with Gen AI tools.

Among the experimenters, they use generative AI tools to answer questions they have (71%), learn more about a specific topic (71%), brainstorm ideas (71%), receive help with specific tasks (70%), and get advice (70%).

Please select the statement that is most accurate regarding your / your team’s current integration of generative AI tools into your workflow/projects.

  • I’ve been experimenting with using generative AI tools, but they’re not a regular part of my workflow/projects: 32%
    • I plan to experiment with finding ways to use generative AI tools in my workflow/projects, but haven’t done so yet: 28%
    • I have no current plans to incorporate generative AI tools into my workflow/projects: 20%
    • I regularly use one more more generative AI tools in my own workflow/projects: 19%
  • My team is experimenting with using generative AI tools, but they’re not a regular part of our workflow/projects: 31%
    • My team has no current plans to incorporate generative AI tools into workflow/projects: 28%
    • My team plans to experiment with finding ways to use generative AI tools in our workflow/projects, but haven’t done so yet: 22%
    • One or more of my team members is/are regularly using generative AI Tools in workflow/projects: 19%

Marketers are concerned that generative AI will affect industry employment

Nearly two-thirds (60%) of marketers are concerned about Gen AI eliminating marketing industry jobs. Marketers are most concerned about Gen AI taking away jobs related to copywriting (34%) and visual creation (30%).

Marketers who are experimenting with generative AI are primarily using it to answer questions, as a brainstorming aid and more

How often do you use generative AI tools to do the following?

  • Get answers to questions: 71%
    • Learn about something: 71%
    • Help brainstorm ideas: 71%
    • Get help with tasks: 70%
    • Get advice or recommendations: 70%
    • Explain something: 67%
    • Create new content: 64%

A majority of marketers have concerns about perceived generative AI issues surrounding accuracy and IP (intellectual property)

Accuracy of results (58%) and plagiarism (52%) are the top concerns marketers have about generative AI tools. While there are long-term concerns about generative AI, marketers overwhelmingly agree that they can use Gen AI for content and communications creation (89%) and believe it is important to understand Gen AI (87%).

ChatGPT and Google Bard are the best-known generative AI tools right now

Regarding specific Gen AI tools, ChatGPT (83%) followed by Google Bard (52%) are the top tools marketers know of.

Methodology: This poll was conducted May 25 – June 3, 2023, among a national sample of 200 marketing and research professionals in the U.S. The interviews were conducted online.

Interested in more insights about how generative AI is affecting brands and marketing? Read our new Quad Insights column, “The Week in Generative AI,” every Friday. (The most recent edition is right here.)

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