The retail media network revolution 2.0

How in-store RMNs are changing the game for retailers and CPG brands

September 12th, 2024

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While today’s retail media networks (RMNs) have brought impressive scale and digital precision to shopper-targeted media, the core motivators driving consumer behavior—like the satisfaction of discovering the perfect product or snagging a great deal—remain as timeless as ever. Sure, the technologies and channels have evolved, but the essence of what makes a shopper tick remains the same.

This renewed focus on in-store experiences, combined with emerging technologies and fresh strategies, is leveling the playing field for regional and midsize retailers. It’s not just about keeping pace with the national giants; it’s about seizing innovative opportunities for CPG brands to connect with hard-to-reach audiences at the most crucial moment—right when they’re ready to buy.

Curious about how this shift could benefit you? Our guide, “The retail media network revolution 2.0,” dives into:

  • How to transcend “impulse shopping” with in-store retail media

  • How to leverage digital retail media when consumers are 100% ready to purchase

  • How retailers and CPGs can leverage retail media to reach the consumers that marketers care about

  • How retailers are integrating e-commerce shopping habits with brick-and-mortar shopping behaviors

Download the guide and explore how you can stay ahead in this evolving landscape.