We’ve aggregated links to essential tools and resources for Quad suppliers on this page. Note: Some will link out to third-party pages with logins.
Working with Quad
Quad is recognized for having the industry’s best approaches to addressing environmental matters, including strategies and solutions to maximize output and quality while minimizing our consumption of resources and waste generation. We are also committed to maintaining a robust MWBE program.
We expect our partners — contractors, subcontractors and suppliers — to help protect the environment in the countries and communities where they operate. For this reason, Quad insists on strict compliance with safety standards and environmental regulations. All contractors/vendors must be in compliance with all requirements set forth in our vendor guidelines and all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, vendors should aim for progressive improvement in their environmental performance, not only in their own operations, but in their operations with partners, suppliers and subcontractors. This includes adoption of cleaner production and pollution-prevention measures. Failure to comply with all of these requirements will result in work suspension.